Monday, July 23, 2012

20 Hottest of NFL Cheerleaders You Should Be Following On Twitter

11. Kristen Girault, New Orleans Saints
Twitter ID: @kristenbcg 
Follow For: Over-the-top Saints enthusiasm, the occasional Republican political message, and bikini pics. Kristen is super excited about the Saints at all times, which you would expect for a Saints cheerleader. Her Twitter gallery reveals that she's also a bikini enthusiast—she's got photos of her in bikinis, other girls in bikinis and bikinis just sitting  on the floor. Let's pause for a political message…
@kristenbcg  : Nearly half a million jobs lost since this president was elected. #failedrecord 
@kristenbcg  : American people losing jobs and income. Meanwhile, Obama attacking Romney 4 being successful #wrongpriorities  #failedrecord 
The Obama campaign might want to skip her house while canvassing. At least someone is enthused about Mitt Romney.

4. Candace Wilson, Denver Broncos

Twitter ID: @BroncoCandace 
Follow For: Um, Snoop Dogg? Candace doesn't tweet very regularly, and when she does, they are pretty underwhelming. But what this Broncos cheerleader lacks in tweeting, she more than makes up for in star power.
Her photo gallery  features the likes of Snoop Dogg (as I've mentioned), Benicio Del Toro, Peyton Manning and Brock Osweiler, to name just a few.

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